No More Bugbears: Best Practices In Pest Control

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Resident Pests: How to Keep Your Rental Property Pest Free

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When you rent out a property, much of your success depends on how well you can keep your tenants happy. If pests become a problem at your rental property, and you haven't done enough to solve the issue, your reputation could suffer. You may then struggle to find tenants in future. Therefore, taking preventative steps is the best approach to pest control.

If you want to make sure pests don't become unwanted residents in your rental property, keep pests away with the following actions.

Educate your tenants on pest prevention

Your first line of defence against pest infestation is education. Many of your tenants may not understand the behaviour of common household pests. So, to help them keep your property free of pests during their tenancy, keep them educated on common pests and pest control practices.

Education may involve informing your tenants about proper cleaning and food storage and disposal methods. You can also help to educate them on what to look for if they suspect a pest infestation. Also, have them inform you immediately if they suspect that pests have taken up residence on your property.

Hire professionals to perform regular pest inspections

If you are busy with several properties and with a full-time job, a good approach is to place pest control in the hands of professionals. Find a reliable pest control service and arrange for them to perform periodic pest inspections throughout the year. This will help you to spot pest problems before they damage your property and your reputation.

Provide adequate waste disposal methods

Many pests, such as cockroaches, flies and rodents, rely on a steady food supply from humans, which is why these pests often live near people. Make sure you give your tenants enough bins to dispose of their waste. Also, be sure to educate them on proper waste disposal techniques to prevent pests.

Carry out regular maintenance to keep pests out

With no entry points into your property, pests will be much less of a threat. So, seal all cracks as well as holes around utility lines and around door and window frames. Make sure that you seal gaps under doors too as pests like cockroaches; ants and spiders will enter using these entry points.

Eliminate possible breeding grounds

Inspect your property for possible breeding grounds. Mosquitoes need standing water for egg-laying. Cockroaches and silverfish need water from leaky pipes and taps. Further, termites need moisture and rotten wood. Pest inspections can help to identify high-risk areas, which you can then treat to avoid pest infestation. To learn more, contact a pest control company. 
